這幾天阿布越發覺得 Gmail 實在非常好用,但也接連發現了幾個問題:首先,是發出的信會亂碼。
其實 Gmail 是支援中文的,但因為編碼和其他信箱系統不同,會造成收件者看到的信都是亂碼; Gmail 預設的介面編碼是 Unicode ,而一般的收信介面是使用 Big5 ,使得兩種編碼不能互相判讀,造成亂碼。讓朋友們一直收到亂碼信,實在很抱歉!!
經過阿布私下詢問,幾個朋友也協助告知,發現新浪、 Hotmail 、 Yahoo! 或一些學校收信系統收 Gmail 的信會亂碼, PChome 介面使用者卻沒有問題(931030-今天另外有使用 PChome 信箱的朋友反應有亂碼問題#.#,唉唉怎麼問題這麼多! sigh...);但經由我互寄測試後, Gmail 收各系統的信是沒有問題的,且很快就會收到信(因此我才沒發現寄出的信會變為亂碼郵件)。可我用 Yahoo! 信箱(香港語言介面)收 Gmail 卻可以清楚地閱讀信件內容(這就奇怪了?@@")
我和我的朋友都被亂碼信所擾,因為編碼的問題在於系統的設定,手動更改編碼也未必能看見信的內容。不知道還有多少阿布的朋友有收到阿布 Gmail 亂碼信的狀況?麻煩大家看到此通知後,跟阿布反應一下(可在下方留言回應或寄信到 告訴我)妳/你是否能清楚地閱讀我由 Gmail 發出的信 (煩請註明妳/你使用的信箱系統,和收到 Gmail 的狀況) ,謝謝!
Dear friends:
Peace! I'm Yuting.
Some of my friends told me that they are not able to read the contents of my letter which send from my Gmail account.
I am so sorry for the unreadable mail I have sent.
I think it may trouble some of you who keep on getting my unreadable letters from my Gmail account.
I have found the possible cause of this. The problem is that Gmail system is using Unicode as the main encoding for their mail sending.
However, it becomes invalid for other mail system which use Big 5 as their encoding.
To avoid the disturbance of this problem, I need to know anyone who cannot read my mail.
If anyone cannot read my mail please sent me a mail, anyone can read it please also sent me one and indicate that you are able to read the letter I've sent.Thank you!!
Best Regard
Your friend Yuting.
P.S.為了這事上網, 又要被念了‥‥ ╮(╯_╰)╭