正在英國 National Portrait Gallery 展出的「 The World's Most Photographed 」(全世界最常被拍攝的人)攝影展,展出舉是最著名的10 位劃時代肖像人物,全拳王阿里、詹姆斯狄恩、葛麗塔嘉寶、奧黛麗赫本、瑪麗蓮夢露、貓王豆印度精神領袖甘地、約翰甘迺迪、英國女王維多利亞與希特勒。
這總共 100 幅的時代肖像中,許多照片從未曝光過。此一展覽不但是 National Portrait Gallery 與 BBC 跨領域的首度合作, BBC TWO 也開闢 系列電視節目 ,深度報導這 10 位舉世重量級人物外;從許多的肖像中,甚至可以一窺攝影與人物的微妙關係,在鏡頭前後,他們如何操控(或被操控)、運用攝影。
展期至 2005 年阿布的生日止~~:P
The World's Most Photographed
Wed 14 Sep, 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm 30mins
Greta Garbo
Greta Garbo was the most mysterious and secretive film star of the 20th Century - she cast a spell over Hollywood in the 1920s and 30s with her exotic looks and hypnotic presence. She was ferociously protective of her private life and detested being photographed off the movie set.
After her last screen appearance in 1941, she spent the next 50 years playing a game of cat and mouse with photographers. But the more she tried to hide from the camera the more aggressively she was hunted down. One photographer stalked her around New York for the last ten years of her life. Many of these photographs are revealed here for the first time.
Greta Garbo's life became a nightmare - a disturbing parable of the 20th-century obsession with celebrity.

The World's Most Photographed
6 July - 23 October 2005
Porter Gallery
Admission £4 / £2.50
Timed Ticketing in operation
Tickets can only be booked in person at the Gallery. Please note that due to this exhibition's popularity, at weekends tickets for the day can sell out by 2pm/3pm. Early booking, particularly at weekends, is recommended. Advanced tickets can also be booked in person at the Gallery.Order this publication online
Book Info: 《 The World's Most Photographed 》