The syndicated comic strip, “Peanuts”, brought to life by Charles M. Schulz in 1950, marked its 55th anniversary in 2005. The “SNOOPY Life Design Exhibition ~Happiness is the 55th Anniversary~” commemorating this milestone is a brand-new approach to express the world of “Peanuts ”with“ SNOOPY”and his friends through design and art, with the theme of “Happiness is...” Every artist’s unique perspective of “Happiness” creates a wonderful harmony with the good old “Peanuts” characters. Reminiscent yet new, familiar yet innovative; ever-so-versatile images of SNOOPY await you at this fun-filled exhibition. | |
能想像老是躺在屋頂上隨興幻想的史奴比 Snoopy 已經55歲了嗎?這隻從1950年代以連載《Peanuts》開始走紅的小獵犬,正以各式各樣驚奇的面貌和大家見面!
走進大阪 Suntory Museum 所舉辦的「史奴比生活設計展」,可以看到名設計師草間彌生(Yayoi Kusame)和她的紅色立體小圓點史奴比陳列其中,旁邊架著藝術家不可思議的創作--化身俏皮的飛行員,仔細一瞧竟是暗藏玄機的雙面史奴比,繞到另一面包準有意想不到的驚喜。另一頭 KleinDytham Architecture 替史奴比建造了用紅色軟墊做成的屋頂,牠正舒服地躺在上面做白日夢呢!
包括10位當代的藝術家和3名建築大師透過展覽主題「Happiness is‥‥」各自發想創作出獨特作品來慶祝史奴比的生日,融合復古與創新、熟悉與新鮮的各種元素,描繪出 Snoopy 和朋友們的人生觀。這次特別加展以往日本鮮見的《Peanuts》親筆手稿,也將販售許多原創商品,無論妳是不是史奴比迷,都值得來一探究竟、大開眼界。
地址:1-5-10 Kaigan-dori,Minato-ko,Osaka 552-0022
電話:+81 665 770 001
展覽日期:7/8~9/24 10:30 am~19:00 pm (9/4、9/11修館)